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The Higgins Art Gallery & Museum

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The Higgins Bedford unites on one site three previous cultural venues: Cecil Higgins Art Gallery, Bedford Museum and Bedford Gallery. As a result of a £4.3m redevelopment project The Higgins Bedford has been transformed to feature new exhibition galleries.


Working with Design Map Displayways was contracted to produce all graphics, signage and wayfinding.

Credits: The redevelopment project has been made possible by £3.2 million funding from Bedford Borough Council, as well as a grant of £959,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, £100,000 from the Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery, £500,000 from the Wixamtree Trust, £500,000 from the Harpur Trust, £350,000 from the Monument Trust, and £200,000 from Charles Wells Ltd, in addition to funding from a number of other sources.

Photo Credit © Design by Designmap, Photography by Jim Stephenson

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